Scot JCB Group Apprentices Kickstart Their Journey with Introductory Training at JCB Headquarters

Every year Scot JCB Group's new Apprentices are invited to JCB Headquarters for JCB introductory training! This year, Trainer & Technical Specialist Angus was joined by [apprentice names, company, depot]
Day 1
Apprentices receive a guided tour through the popular Story of JCB where they learn the history of JCB and its success over the years. This is followed by a visit to the Backhoe and Loadall factory, and a guided tour of the World Parts Centre where the logistics team source, pick, and distribute JCB parts worldwide.
Thereafter our Apprentices experience JCB’s leading-edge technology built into their Livelink system with an active demonstration and a visit to the Uptime Centre where JCB track the health of over 500,000!
Day 2 & 3
The following two days include a Technical Discovery section which allows our apprentices to ask questions and gain knowledge of the fundamentals in JCB engines, hydraulics, and transmissions. This part of the introductory training is crucial for our apprentices as it allows them to familiarise themselves with terminology and technologies they will use throughout college and their apprenticeship at Scot JCB Group.
The Customer Skills Training session enables apprentices to have better conversations with customers and colleagues by using the JCB conversation structures. This is always considered to be a popular session with the apprentices as it gives them the confidence to ask and receive help when needed, and to ask the right questions to detect the main issue a customer is facing.
Want to know more about Scot JCB apprenticeships? Read what our very own apprentices Craig Frank – Scot JCB Aberdeen and Lara Mcleman – Scot JCB Muir of Ord had to say!